MCT Pro Coach is a health and fitness app that offers a personalized workout program and nutrition guidance for each user. MCT uses information provided by clients to create a bespoke plan catered to their needs.
All programs and coaching is carried out my Matt Colligan who is the owner of MCT Fitness. He is a Level 3 Personal Trainer and former Royal Marines Commando based in the UK. Matt has helped hundreds of people achieve their goals through structure and mind set.
Key features to the app:
- simple to use navigation
- calendar schedule of when your workouts are planned in with alerts to remind you
- video demonstrations of every exercise you'll perform
- detailed explanation of exercises
- simple to follow workouts showing repetitions, sets, rest and interval times
- food diary,
- habit tracking
- progress photos
- video record exercise technique to show Matt to ensure correct form is being done
- send and receive messages with a built in messenger chat
- adherence charts to provide accountability
- coaching box where updated PDF files will be available. Example: monthly recipe packs - these include calorie/macro breakdown of each of the meals along with a MyFitnessPal App barcode scanner
- app can be integrated with MyFitnessPal App
- life style coaching.